Automotive Computer Scanning
Written by Welcome on November 26, 2018
This Thanksgiving I was reading the Black Friday ads. I noticed an automotive scan tool on sale for $19.99. That made me question why our shop had thousands of dollars invested in automotive scanning tools, software, and equipment. After a little research I found aftermarket auto scanning tools ranging from $20 – $240 are mainly only scanning emission and possibly ABS breaking system codes. They will clear out other codes but if the issue isn’t fixed the light will come back on. As a professional auto body shop our customer’s safety is a top priority. It is critical when repairing vehicles today that we have complete data of the computer system. In fact, to access the entire computer system data we need to have specific scanning equipment, software, and licenses to access each brand of car. Another key process in repairing cars is to perform a pre-scan of all vehicles before working on them and then upon completion performing a post-scan. Are you getting your vehicle repaired from a car accident? Be sure to ask the shop about their scanning process and equipment. Are they qualified or certified by the manufacturer to repair your car? If a shop doesn’t own a particular scan tool do they outsource it to a dealership, or other 3rd party auto scan company with the correct equipment. While we have scanning equipment for Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Acura, GM, Chrysler, Volkswagen, Ford, and BMW. We also have in house equipment tools to completely scan 98% of all vehicles on the market today. Below are some links resources to learn more about the importance of properly scanning vehicles.
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