Does your car’s paint match?
Written by Welcome on July 2, 2015

Since getting into the auto body industry I’ve been paying more attention to cars on the road. One thing that stood out to me was how many cars are driving around where you can tell a difference in paint color on the car. It is obvious that who ever painted it wasn’t able to match the color. That is where some people get the impression that once a car is damaged it is never the same again. What those people don’t know is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Did you know there are over 60,000 different colors used in the original painting of cars today? From basic black to pearl three stage colors. So how do you match paint so that no one will ever know the car has been painted? The first step is the VIN# of the car can get you the original paint code from the vehicle manufacturer. Quality auto body repair facilities are able use that code to enter into a computerized paint mixing system. Those quality auto body shops are also using the same or equivalent quality paint products that the original manufacturers are using. The next resource needed is a highly trained and skilled refinishing technician. The color that is sprayed can be affected by the distance and the speed the paint is being applied to the vehicle. So it is also important to have quality spray guns that can give the technician accurate and consistent control over the paint. A process called blending is also used to gradually blend the new paint in with the old paint. And finally, because color looks different under different lighting conditions. It is important to have tools that can measure the color match under natural sunlight and indoor lighting. Quality collision repair facilities use specialized color measuring tools to make sure they have that match. The final inspections performed by the painter, detailer, estimator, and most importantly the owner should prove to show a perfect color paint match. If you have questions or concerns about how the color will match on your car we’d love to have you visit and have that discussion.
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