Spring Driving
Written by Welcome on March 16, 2015

In Minnesota we’ve been graced with an early spring. So far that is. When the weather gets nice I’ve observed some changes in driving behavior. For one thing the motorcycles are out and about. For those of us driving cars and trucks we really need to pay attention and be alert for motorcycles on the road. So many car vs. motorcycle accidents the driver of the car will claim they never saw the motorcycle. Another behavior I’ve noticed is that people tend to drive more aggressively by speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. This behavior too can be the cause of additional car accidents. And of course with the nice weather comes more pedestrians. As drivers, we need to be especially aware of our surroundings and be alert for pedestrians. So just a reminder as we come out of hibernation and emerge into spring. Make sure we are aware of the pedestrians, motorcyclists, and other distracted drivers.
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