Cruise Control Dangers
Written by Welcome on February 16, 2015
Last week we had a customer that was involved in an auto accident. Their car was towed into our body shop. We asked the customer what happened. They shared their experience that we felt would be helpful for all of our customers. It was a cold day with near zero degree temperatures. Our customer was driving on the freeway and using their cruise control feature. They came across an ice patch underneath a bridge and the car spun out into the ditch. A very scary experience. This is just a reminder that we are not to use our cruise control functions in cold, snow, or rain. If the tires loose traction with the road surface it will cause the car to loose control since the cruise control feature is attempting to keep your car going the same speed. When you are in control of the acceleration and speed you can let up on the gas when you hit a slick spot and coast right over the icy patch in many situations. We wish everyone safe and fun travels.
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